Guilty Tans, Logo
Phone Icon (760) 324-4321


Stand Up

High B Ray Stand-up unit with a 15 minute maximum exposure time.

40 - 160 watt Very High Output Low Pressure lamps with 8.5% UV B to UV A

No acrylic to diffuse the rays.  An economical, cool, fast energizing tan.

Great for tanning sides, under arms, tail bone, buttock and thigh creases.

1 Session $ 10
3 Sessions  $ 25
10 Sessions  $ 70
30 Days Unlmtd $ 80

Sun  &  Holidays  $ 7

Operating Instructions

Lamps come on automatically in 4 minutes. Push the blue button on the wall Tmax to turn them on sooner (display counts down delay time - then tan time). Standing in the middle of the lamp area gives you an even tan. Standing closer gives you stronger rays on that area. You can turn, bend over to tan the buttock/thigh crease, rest your fingertips on the metal grates or grab the handles to tan under your arms - do not touch the bulbs! Lamps turn off automatically when your session is over. Pushing the blue button on the wall Tmax ends your session early. Strapped goggles and towel are in the room for your use.

Recommended Exposure Schedule

Skin Type
Week 1
Visit 1-3
Week 2
Visit 4-6
Week 3
Visit 7-10
Week 4
Visit 11-15
2 3 min 5 min 7 min 9 min max time
3 4 min 6 min 8 min 10 min max time
4 5 min 7 min 9 min 11 min max time
5 6 min 8 min 10 min 12 min max time


For Best Results - Use a High B Ray unit next day use a High A Ray unit