First Time Here???
GUILTY TANS is committed to providing you a clean environment where our policies guarantee all clients will be treated equally and fairly by kind and friendly Tanning Consultants. We require clients to treat our Tanning Consultants with kindness and respect in response. If you have any questions/problems/comments that they cannot resolve they will document it, then the owners will attach a response to your records.
Clients must provide the following:
State issued identification, current address, phone number in case you leave something behind, your skin type (following page),
how you heard about us (phone book, friend, sign, advertisement, etc.)
Your finger - we use a finger recognition system which uses a dot memory of your minutia points (points where lines connect) - it does not image your actual print so it would not be useful to any company, police department or individual that relies on fingerprints for identification.
Unit you want to use (following pages) - we suggest trying all the units (Sampler Package) to find out which one your body responds to the best - we do not know what level of A and/or B rays your body requires to get the tan you want. Full body tan must be done before partial body or UV free units.
Tanning Time - we have bulbs that are strong and powerful. We recommend that you follow the manufactures tanning schedule (on unit page) to avoid burning which causes skin damage and/or loss of tanning sessions. It is impossible for us to determine if you will burn by looking at you. We recommend time on WEEK 1 of the manufacturers schedule and increasing in 2 min increments.
There are no refunds or exchanges of products or services. We recommend that you purchase sample size lotions before purchasing a bottle & single sessions or the sampler before buying a package. This allows you to decide which product or service works best on your body - one is not better than another - each person reacts differently to lotions and tanning units. Differences in the prices are due to the purchase price of the product/unit and the cost to operate it.
Outdoor lotions, baby oil, etc. causes damage to the acrylic and hinders your tan. To avoid being charged a $250.00 acrylic replacement fee, make sure you use items that specifically say AF or Indoor Use. Indoor products will work outdoors
but outdoor products will not help you tan indoors.
Eye protection is required and provided or you can purchase your own for $5.
Tanning units start automatically 4 minutes after finger registration. Please collect your lotion and use the restroom before registering your finger so your tanning minutes do not begin without you. We will not stop your unit unless you want to pay for another session and even then the computer may not allow us to tan you again since California law only allows one full body tan per day per person. There are NO refunds or credits if your unit starts without you so feel free to use our restroom to apply lotion prior to registration if 4 minutes is not enough time. Giving extra time after registration would violate our commitment to treat all clients equally and fairly - so please don't ask.
You cannot share packages. We are not responsible for any items left in the salon.
California UV Tan law – 17 and under cannot tan.
Thank you for choosing GUILTY TANS!!