Spray-On Instructions

1. Cover - Hair with Cap Apply Peridot all over
2. Apply barrier cream to bottom of feet as putting on booties
3. Apply barrier cream to palms of hands as putting on mitts
4. Press the Blue Start Button on room wall T Max. THEN YOU HAVE ONLY 15 SECONDS (before you lose your tan & money) to ENTER booth and PRESS the Green Start Button inside unit! Stand in middle of unit with legs shoulder length apart, arms held out loosely, palms towards wall and wiggle slightly.
5. The Green Start Button starts the operation. Lotion spray begins in 3 seconds and sprays for 4 seconds and vent fan runs for 7.5 more seconds. If you haven't purchased protection, you must hold your breath and close your eyes for the total 11.5 seconds
6. Vent fan stops. Open glass door. Take a quick breath, close door & repeat step 5. When fans stops again - Step out of unit onto Floor Towel.
7. Quickly!! Use Mitt to buff excess lotion into your entire body using circular motions (straight increases streaking)
8. Buff heaviest spray areas first. Take off Booties and buff up to face.
Double buff ankles, knees, elbows, insides of legs and under arms.
Shimmy Back Sponge across back. Pat lotion on sanitized booth floor with mitt
to get extra lotion to cover uneven spots. Take off Mitts and buff hands.
9. Leave Mitts, booties & Sponge on Floor Towel.
Extra Information
Solution will wash out of clothing or hair. Wait 6 hours to bathe. Water will look brown - this is not your tan. Limiting friction & chemicals on your skin makes your tan last longer.
1. Cap, green lotion, barrier cream, booties, mitts
2. Push Outside Blue Button - then Quickly
3. Push Green Button Inside - Wiggle till noise stops - (Repeat #3)
4. Buff, use extra lotion to even out streaks/tops of feet/hands